Saturday 2 June 2007

May 26 to 29

Day 26

“ One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can only collect a few; and they are more beautiful if they are few. My life at home, I begin to realise, lacks this quality of significance, and therefore of beauty, because there is so little empty space. The space is scribbled on; the time has been filled. There are so few empty pages in my engagement pad, or empty hours in the day, or empty rooms in my life in which to stand alone and find myself. Too many activities, and people and things.” from Gift from the sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

Day 27

Psalm 131 “My heart is not proud” “I have calmed myself and quietened my ambitions”

1 Sam 16:7 “The Lord looks at the heart”

Matt:23:26 – 28 “Whitewashed tombs”

Today has been very wet. Heard rain in the night and it has rained on and off all day, at times very heavy. The birds on the feeder are so bedraggled! A Great Spotted Woodpecker has been to the feeder several times and appears to be taking food away, presumably to feed its young. The Nuthatch is a regular as are Sparrows, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Green Finches and Chaffinches which feed under the feeder catching the fallen bits.

Day 28

Psalm 143:8 Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

Isaiah 55: 2,3 Why...labour on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, that you may live.

John 16:32 each to your own home....

After lunch listened to cricket and had a doze. England close to winning Test but decided to go for a walk. A Gentle Stroll around the lanes. Basically it was down the drive to the Doddiscombsleigh road and keep turning left. It was on roads all the way which was good as we had had a lot of rain. Some cars on first stretch then almost nothing. Beautiful weather, sun very warm and everything luxuriating after yesterday's downpour. Some quite sharp hills both up and down so a bit puffed at times. Had a chat to some cows and greeted various birds and flowers. Came back to railway bridge and almost lengthened walk to take in Teign river and railway but thought it might be showery so walked straight back into Sheldon. Probably walked about 3 miles. Felt better for it.

Straight back to radio and Test over, England victorious inflicting their heaviest defeat on WIs for the 79 years they have been playing (an Innings and 280 runs) Test cricket. It still seems remarkable to me as I have all too clear recollections of the great Windies teams of the 70s and 80s with their ferocious fast bowlers, Holding, Marshall, Garner et al and the opening bats, Haynes and Greenidge who always put on 100 for the first wicket, Sir Viv Richards and Clive Lloyd who could destroy our bowling attack accumulating massive scores in the process. How things have changed; well we must enjoy the good times; pity we could not put on this sort of display against Australia. To be fair our current team bowled a lot of rubbish this test but still somehow came out on top!

Day 29

Wanted to buy a paper to read about the cricket and reckoned that Christow was the best place to get one locally. Decided on the spur of the moment to get the bus in and walk back. Bus from Teign House pub at 9.16 so suddenly busy. Shave, wash and quick breakfast before heading down drive; took the long way rather than cut across railway. Just got to pub as bus came along. Caught it and we then travelled to Bridford and back past Teign House again so maybe I could have caught it then! Anyway on to Christow and got out at village car park. Walked into village and looked around the Church. It was unlocked and very quaint. It soon became apparent that the Pellew family had played a great part in the church's history. There was a memorial to Admiral Sir Edward Pellew who had “served with Nelson and later successfully bombarded Algiers upon the refusal of the Bey to abolish Christian slavery” according to the Church History. The history book is amusing and informative both about the organist and the organ. In 1952 the Organ Blower resigned! The book notes “after 3 years of discussion an electric blower was installed”!

On leaving the church after prayer I walked through the village stopping at the Post Office to buy a card and a stamp. The young Post Master does not know whether the Office will remain open under Government plans or not. The loss of the PO would make a huge difference to the villagers. An old gent in front of me was clearly getting out his pension or weekly allowance and one wonders how he would manage if the Office closed. Then on to the village shop where I bought a paper. The person on the till knew the locals by name.

Then walked back to Sheldon along the lanes. Quite a few cars about but a lovely day. Saw a large brown hairy caterpillar.

Read the paper and had a cup of coffee. Skies clouding over a bit but this afternoon I intend to walk around the reservoir.


Psalm 23: 1 – 3 Green pastures, quiet waters, he leads me

Micah 7: 14 – 15 Shepherd your people...which lives by itself in a forest in fertile pasture-lands

John 12: 43 they loved human glory more than the glory of God

This afternoon drove to the Reservoirs high in the hills above Christow. Walked around Trenchford Reservoir. Parked in Tottiford Reservoir car park although this was just by Trenchford. Walked about 2 miles probably. Not as far as it looked on the map. It was a lovely walk and reminded me of Canada in places without the sense of remoteness. The water level seemed quite low considering it is only May and the main holiday season is still to come. It could be that other sources higher up are released into it as needed. Reservoir holds 200,000,000 gallons of water when full and serves Torbay.

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