Friday 15 June 2007

Day 46

Ruth Bell Graham
Late last night I noticed in an email that Ruth Bell Graham, the wife of evangelist Billy Graham was close to death. This morning, when I logged on, the website was announcing her death at the age of 87. For some reason this has profoundly touched me. Maybe it awakened memories of my own mother who died three years ago. I have spent time browsing the tributes to Ruth Graham and am touched afresh. We live in a harsh and at times cynical world and to encounter such genuine goodness and spiritual vitality is humbling to say the least. I ask myself the question how vital is my spiritual life?

For information about the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association follow this link
To go direct to Ruth Bell Graham's memorial (and I encourage you to do this) follow this link

This morning I had my third and final Human Givens session. I still have a lot of reflecting to do but am grateful for the insights and help gained. Sandie has lent me three books which I am going to get stuck into. This will help gain broader perspective I hope. What I think is that the sabbatical is giving me the opportunity to begin this process and whilst there will be some immediate things to write, share and do both in my own life and within the church it will also be something I want to continue with in the coming months.

Yesterday we had an inch of rain and more in the night but this is nothing compared to some parts of the UK which have experienced severe flooding. The Three Counties Show is on and I expect the ground will be very sticky.

This afternoon I attended John's funeral and just as the cortège left the church a storm broke with thunder, lightning and very heavy rain! It was good to see people but is still strange being there but not being there of you see what I mean.

Afterwards into town to post a card and collect Baptist Times, required reading for all ministers!
So if you want a taster follow the link!

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