Thursday 14 June 2007

Day 45

Hi there. Today I attended an event in the Cathedral. A friend of mine, Christine, from our Enfield days is part of The Schools Music Association which organised a singing event for primary schools. I attended as a "special guest". It was a marvellous and uplifting occasion. Twelve schools were present for the morning session and another twelve were expected in the afternoon. It was not a concert but an opportunity to sing together songs which each school had worked on separately. We had everything from a song about Pirates sung with great gusto to Elgar's Ave Verum Corpus sung more solemnly. My favourite was a song entitled Life is a wonderful thing. Does anyone have the lyrics? In between blocks of singing there were some items from Bishop Perowne pupils including the marvellous African drums, an historical talk, and two items by an organist from the Royal College. Truly it all lifted my heart.

If you are interested in schools music you might like to look at their website.

Back home with a little shopping a bite to eat and off to catch the bus to take me to the hospital for my appointment. I had quite a wait and almost dropped off in the hot waiting room. The Doctor told me that the nerve conduction tests had showed quite sever impairment of the median nerve and that an operation was essential if the loss of sensation was to be recovered. This was quite a shock as I had assumed everything would eventually return to normal. Anyway it is a simple op done under a local and aims to relieve pressure on the nerve. I don't have a date yet; waiting list is about four months but I could be called sooner.

Just off to watch the last programme of Springwatch 2007.

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